hemtt build

Build the project for final testing

Usage: hemtt [OPTIONS]

      --no-bin             Do not binarize the project
      --no-rap             Do not rapify (cpp, rvmat)
      --just <JUST>        Only build the given addon
  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Number of threads, defaults to # of CPUs
  -v...                    Verbosity level
  -h, --help               Print help (see more with '--help')


Build the project for final testing

hemtt build will build your mod into .hemttout/build. It will binarize all applicable files, and will not create folder links like hemtt dev.

It is intended to be used for testing your mod locally before release.



optional_mod_folders = false # Default: true


By default, hemtt build will create separate mods for each optional mod folder.



Do not binarize the project

They will be copied directly into the PBO. config.cpp, *.rvmat, *.ext will still be rapified. This can be configured per addon in addon.toml.


Do not rapify (cpp, rvmat)

They will be copied directly into the PBO. This can be configured per addon in addon.toml.