hemtt utils sqf case


This command requires manual review. It can have lots of false positives so you are strongly encouraged to check each modified file to ensure it is correct.

Fix capitalization in SQF commands

Usage: hemtt utils sqf [OPTIONS] <path>

          Path to the SQF file or a folder to recursively fix

    -t, --threads
        Number of threads, defaults to # of CPUs

    -h, --help
        Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)

This will recursively correct all capitalization mistakes in SQF commands.


private _positionASL = GetPosasl Player;
// becomes
private _positionASL = getPosASL player;

False Positives

This command does not full parse your SQF files.

It will not change words in strings in comments, but it may change words that will break your program

// script_macros.hpp
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

// fnc_someFunction.sqf
if (getNumber (configFile >> "someClass" >= TRUE)) then {...};
// becomes
if (getNumber (configFile >> "someClass" >= true)) then {...};
private _value = player getVariable [QGVAR(showHud), false];
// becomes
private _value = player getVariable [QGVAR(showHUD), false];