
HEMTT will provide warnings for common issues in your config, in both the preprocessing and rapifying stages.

Warning Suppression

Currently, HEMTT only allows the suppression of certain preprocessor warnings. To suppress a warning, use the following structure:

#pragma hemtt suppress { warning code } { scope = line }

The warning code can be one of the following:

pw3_padded_argPadded argument in a macro call

The scope can be one of the following, if not specified, the scope will be line.

lineSuppresses the warning for the next line
fileSuppresses the warning for the remainder of the current file, not including includes
configSuppresses the warning for the remainder of the current config, including includes

Preprocessor Flags

HEMTT provides a few preprocessor flags to control the behavior of the preprocessor.

pw3_ignore_formatIgnores padded arguments in ARR_N, WARNING_N, TRACE_N, FORMAT_N, etc. macros
pe23_ignore_has_includeAssume any #if __has_include is false

The scope of these flags is the same as the warning suppression scope.

Preprocessor Warnings

[PW1] Redefine Macro

This warning is emitted when a macro is defined more than once.

#define FOO 1
#define FOO 2

It may also appear when a macro is defined in a file that is included more than once.

// foo.hpp
#define FOO 1

// bar.hpp
#include "foo.hpp"
#include "foo.hpp"

[PW2] Invalid Config Case

This warning is emitted when config.cpp is not all lowercase, e.g. Config.cpp.

[PW3] Padded Argument

This warning is emitted when an argument to a macro is padded with spaces.

#define Introduction(var1, var2) var1, meet var2
HELLO(Jim, Bob)

This would produce Jim, meet Bob instead of Jim, meet Bob. (Note the extra space before Bob).

By default, all macros are checked, but a flag can be set to ignore ARR_N, WARNING_N, TRACE_N, FORMAT_N, etc. macros.

#pragma hemtt flag pw3_ignore_format { scope = line }